Hi, welcome to my website
This website will be my blog about technology modern and classic, its differences and impact on our lives.
maybe the topic of this website would change with me using it.
I think instead of only technology subjects I will also write my blog here about my everyday life, I will try to make weekly updates if my week was at least somehow interesting.
I know, not many people would read it but for me it is still enough because I could practice my english and learn to make websites and write some kind of diary this way.
If you would like to see my motivation for creating this site please visit the about me section.
If you would like to contact me you can send me email, my address is alyssaspage00@gmail.com thank you!!
Im working on it on my local machine. If I do some major edits I will upload the current state online for people to see.
At the moment, only home and about me buttons on the menu are working, the other three not yet.
Hobbies/friends, I would like to have some11.2.2024
Hi, long time no see, I just did not know what could I write here, everything is still the same, feeling still the sameThe pics I posted today is from my happy days we went outside because the weather allowed it, currently Im stuck inside because its raining a lot...
The third pic is headband I crocheted by myself because I wanted to learn something I could do indoors, since I deleted my socials my life is just so boring... sometimes I wonder if it was good decision at all... but time will tell.
Maybe someone like me would read this blog, if yes you can write me (email is in my website + also in about me tab)
Usually Im trying to end my posts with something positive but this time I just cannot think of any positive, Sorry
I would try to post here more, also post positive things If I find energy to do so.
the same thing over and over + some positive things12.1.2024
Hi internet, Im here again with the sumarization and updates about my life. Where do I even start...Sometimes Im thinking about quiting my current job, I told at work that I would quit in August 2023
but I did not because I think It would be the same everywhere because my problems with being asocial and scared of people are much bigger than the problems other people have with me (at least Im thinking that).
My social life was really easy even like 5 years ago but due to some changes Im completely different person now, I kinda miss my social life, having friends, enjoying drinking partiers at my former work, spending time outside nearly every day... it was really nice, my childhood was great, now Im scared even go to the bank or to recive package outside....
I think the technology is the problem, people lost their ability to live offline life, I ditched my social media and stuff but I feel much more alone now :(
Where do I even get friends now in this world???
But I dont wanna just write about negative stuff, it just helps me vent... now some positive things, yaaay
I sewed holes in my favourite winter jacket and my fluffy gloves and Im so happy because I did so and now I dont have to buy new, I like keeping things that I like instead of buying them over and over.
Since my last post we went on some hikes with my gf, we walked 50 thousands steps during last weekend and it was really great even if it was cold, I added pic :)
Another cool stuff: I think Im getting better at cooking, I dont eat or cook meat at home so I cook only with veggies, and instead of meat Im using seitan (gluten meat) or tofu. Sometimes I will make separate post about cooking I added pic of some recent food I cooked, it is seitan curry with veggies and rice
and the third pic is the thing that maked me happiest in this week: flowers begining to grow, THE SPRING WILL BE SOON!!!
Sumarization of my boring week5.1.2024
Found out I can not write about something interesting during the days Im at work, every day feels the same and nothing interesting happened since my last post.Sadly two days ago I failed my longest streak of not crying, but at least I have new record. (12 days). It was just too much things on me.
Yesterday I tried some yerba mate for the first time and it was good, it gives you so much energy, I never had coffee in my life because the smell is soooo unpleasant to me
so I tried to find alternative to drink at work instead of coffee because Im waking up at 5:30am and Im really sleepy at work, I even fell asleep couple of times, I hope the yerba could be the solution to this problem of be being tired. Plus it tastes good and I like the sipping thru the bombilla (metal straw with the filter). pic added :)
Also I have new tattoo, it is mandala on my forearm and it looks really good.
And todays good thing at the end is my cat sleeping on me while Im writing this post, I will attach pic of him.
First day of the 20241.1.2024
I really enjoyed this day, we spended it in the nature and it was really great untill it was time to return home.Instantly I wanted to start crying because tomorrow is workday again after 11 days off on the holidays, I hate being in the office...
Just looking from the office window outside when there is perfect day, clear blue skies and sun out can make me cry. I find no joy in my job I just need money, many people told me to find something I would like to do, but I think work like that does not exist.
And again, like my previous post I will try to end each of my posts with something positive :)
Thankfully the days are getting longer again, its still like 10 minute difference since winter solstice but in a 2 to 3 months I would not need to go to and back from the work in the dark.
And I will attach picture of one of my favouritest places where I like to be.
2023 lookback31.12.2023
The year 2023 was the year of big changes for me, I started to be more confident and I found some new hobbies.As I stated in previous post I think the biggest positive impact on my mental health was staying a lot more in the offline world than before
People online are soooo much different than when you are dealing with them in person, not just their behavior but also their looks.
When 99% of your social life is on the social sites you started to think that everybody is perfect and also you would start to think there is no hope and no positive things happening in the world.
I will link here two videos that helped me see things differently The Hidden Cost of Doomscrolling and the other one I cant find right now, but I will add that once I would find it again. But anyway, I think Im on the right path to be happy person.
the year 2024 would be the most important year for me I think.
and happy new year and the best of luck in the year 2024 to anyone who may read my little page <3
My plans with this website30.12.2023
Recently (year ago) I quitted all major social media because of alghoritms and their impact on my mental health.I miss times when social media was simpler
this site would replace my Facebook, Twitter and maybe Instagram, if someone would ask me for my socials I will send them link for this website.
maybe I will even meet new internet people thanks to this website, who knows.
In the future I will maybe add much more buttons to the menu I think something about cooking (recipes) + pics and maybe some DIY projects